
Amsterdam Auto's | Autolak herstellen

Auto Care Carwashing General Maintenance News & Tips


Damages to paint work from automatic car washes:

Many of the no touch, automatic car washes have roller brushes with hard bristles. These create a lot of scratches on the paintwork, eroding the clear coat paint that protects the base, colour coat. These damages are visible in the form of swirl marks on the paint work if a light is shone on the surface.


Hand car wash is the best:

Washing the car manually, using softer materials, not brushes with bristles, is a much better way to clean your car. Soft brushes can be used for internal cleaning of cavities, vents and hard to reach places.

It is best to avoid using brushes on the outer body of the car, except for the wheels.


A bit more labour and time is needed to do a good and proper cleaning of any car, but is totally worth it, as damages to car paint work can be expensive to rectify later.


Auto body shop for small damages